Hey there!
Josh again. Have been thinking a lot lately about how hard it is to start a business. Is it really worth the risk/work? Why haven't I given up yet?
So here are my reasons:
- I want the flexibility to work when I want so I can enjoy the more important parts of my life
- Working for myself means I can make as much money as I want (of course market, business model, etc. all affect this but there isn't the fixed salary cap that most jobs have)
- I want to be able to choose what my day looks like, what my company looks like, who I work with, where I work from...
I feel that the best way to achieve these things is by starting my own business. These things - to me - are worth the risks, worth the work, worth the journey.
Maybe you feel the same way?
Maybe this was a good reminder?
Let me know! |
Stuff that inspired me this week... |
TBH, I didn't know who Jonathan was before watching this video. But he likes some pretty cool stuff. Love the filming too. Just fun.
This was an interesting way to look at "genius". It certainly got me thinking. It's actually what made me pull out my computer and write this post! Watch it.
Movies, novels, brands, are nothing without good storytelling. The last several Marvel movies are some of my favourite written stories ever. Here are a few Marvel writers explaining their process.
Also sorta cool; I passed 1,000 followers on Twitter! 🤯
Super excited about it but now I'm sort anxious every time I go to post haha. Means so much that this many people have chosen to be along for the journey!
You're one of those people, so thank you!
Stay golden.
Josh |